



发布时间:2024-04-02 08:20:31 点击量:31


System.Reflection is a powerful tool in the .NET framework that allows developers to access type information at runtime. With the help of System.Reflection

developers can dynamically load assemblies

inspect types

and call methods on objects without knowing the type at compile time.


One of the key components of System.Reflection is the Assembly class

which represents an assembly and allows developers to load and inspect the types contained within. Using the Assembly class

developers can load assemblies dynamically

inspect the types within an assembly

and even create instances of types contained within an assembly.


Another important component of System.Reflection is the Type class

which represents a type in the .NET framework. Using the Type class

developers can inspect properties


and fields of a type

as well as create instances of the type dynamically. The Type class also allows developers to check whether a type implements a particular interface

inherits from a specific base class

or has specific attributes applied to it.


System.Reflection also provides the MethodInfo class

which represents a method in the .NET framework. Using the MethodInfo class

developers can dynamically call methods on objects

inspect the parameters of a method

and invoke methods with specific arguments.


In addition to the Assembly


and MethodInfo classes

System.Reflection also provides classes for working with properties



and attributes. For example

the PropertyInfo class allows developers to inspect and set the value of properties on objects

while the FieldInfo class allows developers to inspect and set the value of fields on objects.


One common use case for System.Reflection is in creating plugins or extensions for an application. By using System.Reflection

developers can dynamically load assemblies that contain plugin types

inspect the types contained within those assemblies

and call methods on the plugin objects without knowing the specific types at compile time.


Another use case for System.Reflection is in serialization and deserialization of objects. By using System.Reflection

developers can inspect the properties of an object at runtime and serialize or deserialize the object to a data format such as JSON or XML.



System.Reflection is a powerful tool in the .NET framework that allows developers to work with types and assemblies dynamically at runtime. By using System.Reflection

developers can create more flexible and extensible applications that can adapt to changing requirements without the need to recompile the code.
