


@echo off

发布时间:2024-02-21 08:56:41 点击量:236


@echo off


This script will generate a text file with 1000 words. In order to do this

we will use a loop that will iterate 1000 times and write a random word to the file each time.


Here is the code:



@echo off


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion


set words=apple banana cherry dog elephant frog grape honeydew iguana jackal kangaroo lion monkey


set /a count=0


for /l %%i in (1


1000) do (

set /a index=!random! %% 10

for /f "tokens=1

2 delims= " %%a in ('echo !words!') do (

if !index! equ 0 echo %%a >> output.txt

set /a index=!index!-1







Save this code as a .bat file and run it in Command Prompt. It will generate a file called output.txt with 1000 randomly selected words from the list provided. Feel free to modify the list of words if you want different words to be included in the output file.

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下一篇: typescriptconst