


docker log

发布时间:2024-01-18 08:30:38 点击量:95


Docker log is a command used to view the logs of a Docker container. It provides real-time information about the container's activities and can be useful for troubleshooting issues or monitoring the container's performance.


The log command has several flags and options to customize the output. Some of the common flags include:


- `docker logs -f` : This flag allows you to continuously follow the log output

similar to the `tail -f` command. This is useful when you want to monitor the container's logs in real-time.


- `docker logs --tail n` : This option displays the last `n` lines of the logs. You can specify any number for `n`. For example

`docker logs --tail 100` will show the last 100 lines of the logs.


- `docker logs --since time` : This option displays the logs since a specific time. You can specify the time in various formats

such as Unix timestamp

RFC3339 format

or relative time. For example

`docker logs --since 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z` will show the logs since January 1



- `docker logs --until time` : This option displays the logs until a specific time. Similar to the `--since` option

you can specify the time in different formats. For example

`docker logs --until 2022-02-01T00:00:00Z` will show the logs until February 1



In addition to these flags and options

the `docker logs` command also allows you to specify the container's name or ID as an argument to view the logs of a specific container. If you don't provide any container name or ID

it will show the logs of the last created container.



Docker log is a powerful command that provides valuable insights into the activities of a Docker container. Using the various flags and options

you can customize the output to suit your needs and effectively monitor the container's logs.
